Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Weighty Issues

My first day on the cleanse went well, and I had a rather slow night at work. I'm hoping for the same tonight, but we shall see.
This afternoon as I was getting up and ready for the day I realized that losing weight was not *the* motivating factor for this cleanse. The main idea is to improve my health, gain energy, wellness, and perspective. While losing weight would be nice, it's not the end all and be all. I decided that in celebration of my intentions, part of these three weeks will be staying off the scale.
While I'm slender right now, I've struggled with my weight for the past 5-6 years. Where I live and work (deep south, EMS) I'm even considered downright skinny. When I was small, up through high school I was actually quite thin, never minding what I ate. In the latter years of high school hormones, significant stressors, and food as comfort started changing my body. I started putting on the pounds and was fairly heavy by the end of freshman year of college. I can still clearly remember one jerk of a doctor looking incredulously at my chart during a check up at that time. He had just finished saying that I looked about 5 pounds overweight, then he flipped the page. "175?! 175?! Woah. You need a diet - just start giving up eating chips." I just sat there and looked at him thinking, "but I don't eat chips."
Since then I've been up and down, hanging around the mid 160s when eating poorly. After switching to a plant-based diet, I've stayed around the mid 140s. At 5'9, that's a good place, but with a small frame I could afford to ditch some fat and gain some muscle.
Mainly, I want to get off and stay off of the diet rollercoaster. I've tried: weight watcher's, atkins, south beach, nutrisystem, and medi-fast. Nothing has worked for the long term, and I've always been off put by the reliance on processed and packaged foods.
A whole food, plant-based, high raw lifestyle is what makes sense in terms of my long term health.

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